Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Lost Egg Of Time

After lunch eating Ethan, Sam, Gurjot, Bryan and I were told to do some planting. We grabbed some spades from the P.E. shed and dashed to the garden of Eden. We started to dig and as we were digging, we spotted a big, blue egg. We were all surprised.We started to question ourselves, we looked at it for a long time. Then Ethan said “It’s a sparrow egg”. And Sam said “It’s too big to be a sparrow egg, it’s a chicken egg. We dug it out and brought it into the classroom. We searched on Google “Big blue egg”. “No record found”. Suddenly it cracked!!! We froze. It’s a chick? Sam said “Told you”. It ran away. I said “That solves the egg but what about that!” As I pointed out the window a chicken-dragon picked up the chick and flew away. THE END