Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013

The Day the Dragon came to Our School. E.M

On Wednesday morning I came to school and was ready for when school started. The bell went and the first thing we were doing was writing. So everyone went to their tables and opened their books. Then Mrs Beachwell told me, Rachelle, Jaguar and Amy to go down to the Garden of Eden. Amy went down the path on the right, Rachelle went down the path on the left, Jaguar went down a different and strange looking path, and I went down another. When I went down my path I found something no one could have imaghined. There were two dragon eggs waiting to hatch. Then, all of a sudden, I felt this big thump that felt like someone was throwing heaps of meteors on earth. Then I saw a huge, big, orange and green dragon looking thing getting closer and closer and it was a dra-dra-DRAGON!! "Don't tie me up, dragon!" I tried calling for help."RACHELLE,JAGUAR,AMY!! Yer, I need your help!! "Coming - AAAAAHHHHH!!screamed Jaguar. "It's a Dragon!!!!!! Jaguar, don't faint!! Rachelle, untie me!!" "Okay". "Quick, hurry!!" and then, quickly, before the dragon came back, Rachelle untied me and when the dragon came back, we punished him and said "Go home and don't come back" and then he started to cry, and flew back home to where he belongs. The End.

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