Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Thursday 14 March 2013

B.M. Dragon Story

"RRRRRRRROAR!!!" "Haaaaaaaaaa!!!! AH! what was that" I cried. Hi, my name is Bryan and I am 9 years old. I have a bow and arrow and I love tigers and sport. Our class, room 15, went outside to see what it was. The sky was orange and in the sky was fire. My blood went cold! I was terrified!!!My legs were shaking like jelly. Then we saw a dragon and I said "EAT RACHEL!!!" I have a bow at home I'll go get it. Then I realised that it would take me 15 minutes to get home, so I ran fast. Five minutes later I was back at school. Room 15 was on fire!!!!! I saw the dragon behind me. It had spikes down its back and its body was orange with black spots. It had razor sharp teeth. I got my bow, clicked my arrow on my rope and I shot it and it breathed fire at my arrow and got burnt. "BLAST!!!" I said. I ran so fast that I fell over. The dragon breathed ice on my hands, so I was stuck to the ground. Then Jaden came on a rope like Tarzan and he got a knife and cut the ice. We hid behind a tree. CRASH!!!!!! The dragon came and ate me "HAAAAAA!!!!! Oh it's just a dream" I said. "RRRRROAR". BM

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