Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013

The day the dragon came to school!!

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! What the heck is this big giant egg doing here? A golden,shiny,sparkling egg was right in the middle of the bushy Garden of Eden. Bob suddenly came down singing ''tralalalalalalalala''. Bob is crazy like a big, fat, hairy monkey jumping on a long limo, weird like a big, pink barbie and sporty like a pro athlete. He stopped. ''Oh my gosh, what is that big, golden, shiny egg doing here? Bob suddenly grabbed it and ran like a big, great, spotty cheetah. He was running 100mph. I finally got him but the egg was hatching quickly. It had a purple, spiky tail, an enormous body that was orange and black with spots and it was the size of the classroom. It had razor sharp teeth. It was a dragon. "Ahhhhh!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Bob and I were terrified,we were running for our lives. Suddenly the whole school knew, I was running for my life! My blood was running cold. Goosebumps were going down my arm, and my legs were wobbling like jelly. The terrifing dragon suddenly breathed fire. Bob and I was running 150mph. It was amazing. Suddenly we heard a sound like Tarzan. It was the adventous Fred. Fred is really crazy and adventurous. He came and grabbed us and then we kept on swinging. Bob and I were going to fall soon. Suddenly Bob fell. "Nooooo!!!!!" The dragon had eaten Bob. Then I fell! "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!Oh it was just a dream." I looked out the window. There was a dragon uh oh.

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