Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013

The day the dragon came to school R.P

BOOM, CRASH, BANG!!! goes the hard ground. Izzi and I were so scared, unlike Tim Tam. She was all happy. Until she saw a big, red, tomato-groovey dragon with orange spikes, with lots off little scales on his face. Suddenly I smelt smoke above my head, I tasted some little scales floating in my mouth as if they were sailing, and I heard a big roar like the king of the jungle. I felt weird scales rubbing against my back. I was terrified stiff. Nowhere to run but on the dargons tail. We climbed up a big, pointy slide. I wondered what a pointy slide would be a bit strange. I made it up to the top of the red, spikey slide. It started moving. I was so scared that I felt butterflies in my tummy crazily fluttering. Suddenly there was a dead end. You could only fall off the dragon's head. I stroked his head and found that he was acutuley friendly. My friend and I and Bob the dragon went and attacked the fire that Bob made and saved the positive, bright blue sky.


  1. WOW!Awesome I loved the descriptive words you used and you being the hero in your story.LouP

  2. Wow! Awesome writing and descriptive words used and loved for you to be the hero in your story.LouP
