Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013

The Day the Dragon came to Our School. APM

One nice, sunny day, Emma, Anna, Jane and I, Lucy, were eating our morninig tea. Suddenly Anna heard a loud, stomping noise. Everyone started running, even the juniors, even though they had no clue what was happening. Everyone ran to their cloak bays, got their bags and ran as quick as they could to the gate. Emma, the second smartest, wanted to go check it out, but I did'nt want Emma to go on her own, so all four of us went along. Jane was the scared one but all of a sudden she became brave and went in front. Jane said "There is a dragon up in the sky and he is going to blow out fire, but Anna, who is the sporty one, got a rock and threw it at the dragon. He stopped and he tried to see us, but with our green uniform and green plants he couldn't see us. We ran to room 15 where Mrs Doubtfire was checking our homework. We got the keys and locked all the doors and windows. Mrs Doutfire said "Why are you locking all the doors and windows?" Anna said "There is a dragon outside and everyone has gone home, even the teachers." Mrs Doutfire knew why the dragon came to the school so Mrs Doutfire told me, Jane and Emma to take it to the Garden of Eden. Anna had go behind and see if anything else was coming. Emma came and said to Lucy, "We will stop here and put it in a nice, cosy spot." We thought the big dragon was going to eat us! We were all shocked when the dragon laid and egg, which hatched and it was a baby dragon!!! Luckily the baby dragon was vegetarian, so it didn't eat us. And the same was true for the big dragon. They both flew off. We went home and Mrs Doutfire told us to bring our homework books.

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