Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

The day the dragon came to Botany Downs

It was an ordinary day at Botany Downs School and all the students were working. "Come on Rita, get your work done so we can play" I whispered. The room 15 students were writing a story about the holidays. I was finished and waiting for my friend, Rita who was really slow at writing. Suddenly we heard a huge, stomping sound. I thought I was hearing things, but the second time I knew I wasn't hearing things. I looked out the window and froze, because there outside was a huge dragon. I started to scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Everyone stopped and looked out the window. When they saw the dragon, they went crazy! Everyone ran outside and tried to run home, but the dragon's tail was blocking the only place to escape. Now the whole school was screaming and running. Rita, Jenna and I were hiding in a small bush. We watched as the dragon started to breathe fire, burning most of the people. Now only Rita, Gemma and I were in the school, because the dragon had swallowed the others. We watched as the dragon grabbed room 15 and crashed it into pieces. I rolled over in my bed, huh bed? Why am I in my bed? It wasn't a dream was it? I looked around me. I was in my bed, Rita and Jenna were beside me. I remembered Rita and Jenna were having a sleepover and we played 'The Dragon'.

The day the dragon came to botany downs school JG

I'll tell you all a story, it's true I guarantee, about a fearless dragon that flew to Botany Downs. Some people don't believe me, but I say what's not to believe? Well, I'll tell you all about it and you decide if you believe it or not. It takes place at a glorious school called Botany Downs School. It happened on an astonishing day when the birds were chirping, singing and laughing. The children were quietly working. If you glanced at the children every minute, they would stare up at the clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock would go the clock, and the children were waiting eagerly for morning tea. Just before the bell went an enormous shadow crept past. All the children glanced out the window. There was not a cloud or bird in the sky - they were probably petrified of the massive, grey shadow. "THUD" The gigantic creature flew from the sky and plonked himself right in the middle of the court. The children stared in amazement. I was ecstatic and speechless. It was a fearless, lethal, fire breathing dragon. I eagerly rushed outside.There I was, face to face with an enormous dragon. I was petrified. I pulled out a tree with my muscular powers and I fought the dragon with my tree and the dragon fought back with its claw that was the size of our swimming pool. I jumped on top of the dragon and started wacking him on the head. I climbed into his mouth and stuck the tree in it so it could not breath out any more fire. I jumped back down. I squeezed my hand under the dragon and tossed him back into his cave. That was the end of the dragon that came to Botany Downs Primary School. You decide if you believe it or not.

Monday 18 March 2013

The Day the Dragon came to Our School. E.M

On Wednesday morning I came to school and was ready for when school started. The bell went and the first thing we were doing was writing. So everyone went to their tables and opened their books. Then Mrs Beachwell told me, Rachelle, Jaguar and Amy to go down to the Garden of Eden. Amy went down the path on the right, Rachelle went down the path on the left, Jaguar went down a different and strange looking path, and I went down another. When I went down my path I found something no one could have imaghined. There were two dragon eggs waiting to hatch. Then, all of a sudden, I felt this big thump that felt like someone was throwing heaps of meteors on earth. Then I saw a huge, big, orange and green dragon looking thing getting closer and closer and it was a dra-dra-DRAGON!! "Don't tie me up, dragon!" I tried calling for help."RACHELLE,JAGUAR,AMY!! Yer, I need your help!! "Coming - AAAAAHHHHH!!screamed Jaguar. "It's a Dragon!!!!!! Jaguar, don't faint!! Rachelle, untie me!!" "Okay". "Quick, hurry!!" and then, quickly, before the dragon came back, Rachelle untied me and when the dragon came back, we punished him and said "Go home and don't come back" and then he started to cry, and flew back home to where he belongs. The End.

The Day the Dragon came to Our School. APM

One nice, sunny day, Emma, Anna, Jane and I, Lucy, were eating our morninig tea. Suddenly Anna heard a loud, stomping noise. Everyone started running, even the juniors, even though they had no clue what was happening. Everyone ran to their cloak bays, got their bags and ran as quick as they could to the gate. Emma, the second smartest, wanted to go check it out, but I did'nt want Emma to go on her own, so all four of us went along. Jane was the scared one but all of a sudden she became brave and went in front. Jane said "There is a dragon up in the sky and he is going to blow out fire, but Anna, who is the sporty one, got a rock and threw it at the dragon. He stopped and he tried to see us, but with our green uniform and green plants he couldn't see us. We ran to room 15 where Mrs Doubtfire was checking our homework. We got the keys and locked all the doors and windows. Mrs Doutfire said "Why are you locking all the doors and windows?" Anna said "There is a dragon outside and everyone has gone home, even the teachers." Mrs Doutfire knew why the dragon came to the school so Mrs Doutfire told me, Jane and Emma to take it to the Garden of Eden. Anna had go behind and see if anything else was coming. Emma came and said to Lucy, "We will stop here and put it in a nice, cosy spot." We thought the big dragon was going to eat us! We were all shocked when the dragon laid and egg, which hatched and it was a baby dragon!!! Luckily the baby dragon was vegetarian, so it didn't eat us. And the same was true for the big dragon. They both flew off. We went home and Mrs Doutfire told us to bring our homework books.

The Day the Dragon came to Our School

One day Bob, Fred, CD and I went into the Garden of Eden to have a look at the native trees. When we had walked half way down, CD said "Look, I found something shiny!" We all went to have a look. When I had a look close up, it looked like a chicken's egg. Bob said, "We should hatch it so we can have pet chickens in the classroom." Fred agreed and so did CD. But I said "No, because what happens if it's a dragon's egg?" But they did'nt listen, so Fred picked up the egg and started walking back to the classroom. When we got to the classroom, Greg started hatching it. I said to Greg "You're brave!" When he hatched it, it was a dragon. The dragon looked like a fat elephant with sharp teeth and with red spikes on his back and big blue eyes. I was so scared that I ran out the door. The dragon started to burn the classroom down. I was trying to think of a plan to kill the dragon. I went to tell CD to distract the dragon. He said, "Why?" Then I said, "I need to buy some time." Then he agreed, so I quickly ran to the staff room and got a knife. When I got back to the classroom, I snuck up behind him. Then I jumped up and stabbed him in the back and we all shouted out "YES YES!!!!!" I killed the dragon and the school is saved. "Yippee! Now let's go home!"

The day the dragon came to school R.P

BOOM, CRASH, BANG!!! goes the hard ground. Izzi and I were so scared, unlike Tim Tam. She was all happy. Until she saw a big, red, tomato-groovey dragon with orange spikes, with lots off little scales on his face. Suddenly I smelt smoke above my head, I tasted some little scales floating in my mouth as if they were sailing, and I heard a big roar like the king of the jungle. I felt weird scales rubbing against my back. I was terrified stiff. Nowhere to run but on the dargons tail. We climbed up a big, pointy slide. I wondered what a pointy slide would be a bit strange. I made it up to the top of the red, spikey slide. It started moving. I was so scared that I felt butterflies in my tummy crazily fluttering. Suddenly there was a dead end. You could only fall off the dragon's head. I stroked his head and found that he was acutuley friendly. My friend and I and Bob the dragon went and attacked the fire that Bob made and saved the positive, bright blue sky.

The day the dragon came to school!!

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! What the heck is this big giant egg doing here? A golden,shiny,sparkling egg was right in the middle of the bushy Garden of Eden. Bob suddenly came down singing ''tralalalalalalalala''. Bob is crazy like a big, fat, hairy monkey jumping on a long limo, weird like a big, pink barbie and sporty like a pro athlete. He stopped. ''Oh my gosh, what is that big, golden, shiny egg doing here? Bob suddenly grabbed it and ran like a big, great, spotty cheetah. He was running 100mph. I finally got him but the egg was hatching quickly. It had a purple, spiky tail, an enormous body that was orange and black with spots and it was the size of the classroom. It had razor sharp teeth. It was a dragon. "Ahhhhh!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Bob and I were terrified,we were running for our lives. Suddenly the whole school knew, I was running for my life! My blood was running cold. Goosebumps were going down my arm, and my legs were wobbling like jelly. The terrifing dragon suddenly breathed fire. Bob and I was running 150mph. It was amazing. Suddenly we heard a sound like Tarzan. It was the adventous Fred. Fred is really crazy and adventurous. He came and grabbed us and then we kept on swinging. Bob and I were going to fall soon. Suddenly Bob fell. "Nooooo!!!!!" The dragon had eaten Bob. Then I fell! "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!Oh it was just a dream." I looked out the window. There was a dragon uh oh.

Thursday 14 March 2013

B.M. Dragon Story

"RRRRRRRROAR!!!" "Haaaaaaaaaa!!!! AH! what was that" I cried. Hi, my name is Bryan and I am 9 years old. I have a bow and arrow and I love tigers and sport. Our class, room 15, went outside to see what it was. The sky was orange and in the sky was fire. My blood went cold! I was terrified!!!My legs were shaking like jelly. Then we saw a dragon and I said "EAT RACHEL!!!" I have a bow at home I'll go get it. Then I realised that it would take me 15 minutes to get home, so I ran fast. Five minutes later I was back at school. Room 15 was on fire!!!!! I saw the dragon behind me. It had spikes down its back and its body was orange with black spots. It had razor sharp teeth. I got my bow, clicked my arrow on my rope and I shot it and it breathed fire at my arrow and got burnt. "BLAST!!!" I said. I ran so fast that I fell over. The dragon breathed ice on my hands, so I was stuck to the ground. Then Jaden came on a rope like Tarzan and he got a knife and cut the ice. We hid behind a tree. CRASH!!!!!! The dragon came and ate me "HAAAAAA!!!!! Oh it's just a dream" I said. "RRRRROAR". BM

The Lost Egg Of Time

After lunch eating Ethan, Sam, Gurjot, Bryan and I were told to do some planting. We grabbed some spades from the P.E. shed and dashed to the garden of Eden. We started to dig and as we were digging, we spotted a big, blue egg. We were all surprised.We started to question ourselves, we looked at it for a long time. Then Ethan said “It’s a sparrow egg”. And Sam said “It’s too big to be a sparrow egg, it’s a chicken egg. We dug it out and brought it into the classroom. We searched on Google “Big blue egg”. “No record found”. Suddenly it cracked!!! We froze. It’s a chick? Sam said “Told you”. It ran away. I said “That solves the egg but what about that!” As I pointed out the window a chicken-dragon picked up the chick and flew away. THE END

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Bake Sale Senior School

On Wednesday 20 March the Senior School will be putting on a Bake Sale. All children are asked to bring a plate of home baking to school on Wednesday morning. This is instead of homework for the week. The proceeds will be used to help keep camp costs down for parents.