Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Thursday 30 May 2013

Inspirational story - The Sky's the Limit

Today we read a book about a man who lost his legs when he was 9 years old. He decided that it is not what happens to you that counts, but what you do about it. Tony Christiansen lost his legs when crossing a railway track and some carriages suddenly rolled backwards and over his legs. He decided that he wasn't going to let that stop him, so he learnt to walk again and to swim. He became a surf life-saver and took part in 33 rescues at the surf club. Despite several set-backs where people didn't want to believe that he could do things, he started his own signwriting business and haad 7 people working for him. His dad bought him a go-kart and soon he became an excellent race car driver. He also decided that he wanted to go to the Olympics and started training, doing shot-put, discus and the).e javelin, as well as some track events. He has been to 6 World Games and has won 35 medals (12 gold, 17 silver and 6 bronze) Other things he did, were tae kwon do and qualified up to his 2nd degree black belt. After that he learnt to fly and aeroplane. Tony Christiansen got married and has three children. He now travels the world talks to people about the importance of following their dreams. He believes that if people set goals that were not totally impossible (for him that would be becoming a rugby player), they can achieve them if they have the right attitude and perseverance. We really enjoyed reading about Tony. We agree: Never say "I can't do that!" - say "I can't do that YET!"

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