Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Thursday 18 April 2013

The world from a tree's perspective - AG

My branches gently sway in the wind. Kids talk to me sometimes and they also come running past. Bugs that would scare people scuttle up my trunk. Baby birds fly from branch to branch and go "tweet, tweet, tweet". The teachers call the salon for my hair cut every month and the vet comes weekly. When I'm ready for bed all the trees say good night. We sing a little lullaby to rock us to sleep. It's lovely being a tree, but I would like to be a human because then I could walk and talk to people and sing in talent shows. I can't do that as a tree. But it is fun being a tree.

1 comment:

  1. What a great description of how life might be for a tree. I really liked how you balance the quiet times like swaying and sleeping with the energy of kids, bugs and birds all living on and around the tree. Tumeke, Tracey B
