Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Thursday 18 April 2013

The world from a tree's perspective - AG

My branches gently sway in the wind. Kids talk to me sometimes and they also come running past. Bugs that would scare people scuttle up my trunk. Baby birds fly from branch to branch and go "tweet, tweet, tweet". The teachers call the salon for my hair cut every month and the vet comes weekly. When I'm ready for bed all the trees say good night. We sing a little lullaby to rock us to sleep. It's lovely being a tree, but I would like to be a human because then I could walk and talk to people and sing in talent shows. I can't do that as a tree. But it is fun being a tree.

Kate Sheppard - GB

Kate Sheppard is an important person in the history of New Zealand because she started the campaign for women's rights. She campaigned for women's rights and for laws to keep women and children safe from abusive men. She also campaigned for women who are married to control their own money. Her persuasive campaigning and determination won women the right to vote and made New Zealand the first country to give women the vote. In my opinion with determination and a persuasive attitude you can achieve anything.

Thursday 11 April 2013

I am a Tree – Looking at the world from a different perspective. CS

I am a tree. I live in the Garden of Eden. My leaves keep me company, so when my leaves fall off I feel cold. I can see my dead brothers that had been turned into bark on the floor. I hear the noises of children playing. When I see children playing fairly, I feel happy, but when I see people playing badly I feel sad.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

I am a Tree – Looking at the world from a different perspective. CD

I am an Oak Tree. My branches sway back and forth in the wind. Every day I see screaming kids run past me. I don’t like winter because all my leaves fall off. The thing I like least is poisonous bugs because they scatter all over me and rip my bark off and that hurts me. I also don’t like it when people pull off my branches but it is OK because they grow back unlike humans. My favourite time in the year is spring because I get all my leaves back and I make new friends.

I am a Tree - Looking at the world from a different perspective. LP

I am a Tree I am a Cabbage Tree. My leaves toss and turn when the strong wind blows. I have a fantastic view. I can see birds fly and children playing marbles and cards. I like it when it rains because I need water to grow taller and taller. I wish I could talk because I want to make new friends. Every day I dodge flying insects but I can’t move. I like it when it’s winter in a bad way and in a good way. In a good way I like winter is that my leaves don’t dry out and in a bad way is I don’t have something to keep me warm. I sometimes get sick and tired of my stupid hairdo. At night time I go to sleep but I sometimes get scared of the dark.

I am a Tree - looking at the world from a different perspective. EB

I am an apple tree. My branches sway and my stubby leaves toss and turn in the late summer’s breeze. The birds love sitting on me, pecking on my beautiful juicy red apples. The children also like picking my apples to munch on and make juice with. In the late afternoon the sparrows sit on my branches, They’re the gossipers. They tweet all the things that every bit of nature needs to know. In my garden you can hear the birds sing their tuneful song and it smells like oranges and lemons. If I’m lucky a rainbow parakeet will come and sit on me, pecking at the apples on my branches. I love being a tree, seeing nature start and grow to be a tree just like me. It’s a wonderful life as a tree!!!

The Palm Tree APM

I am a Palm tree and I live in the Garden of Eden. I have many friends, some that are different types of trees. When I hear the bell I know that my school friends are coming. Even though they break my branches and I can grow knew ones, they're still my friends. I love it when the rain comes. It makes me fresh and helps me grow. My friends talk and I wish I could talk too. I'm so lucky that I was born in the Garden of Eden. My branches sway from side to side when the wind blows. In autumn all my leaves fall off and I'm really cold. I love being a tree.

The lime tree E.M

I am a lime tree. I have beautiful, green limes and yellow leaves. I love it when children come down to the Garden of Eden and play with my leaves because it means I'm not lonely. If by accident some kids break my branches it's OK because I grow them back easily. I like it when it rains because I get water dribbled all over me and it helps me grow. Also, the sun keeps me warm and dry and also helps me grow. I give my limes to children and bugs when they drop off my branches. And my leaves can also be made into amazing things such as dresses, headbands etc.

Thursday 4 April 2013

When the dragon came to Botany Downs AG

My heart was pumping as the dragon stood in front of me. The kids next to me stood with shock, one with goose bumps, the other one frozen and one ran up to the dragon and gave it a hug while I took a picture. I was the school photographer and I took pictures with my camera whenever I wanted. The dragon smelt like burnt wood, it looked like a flame, and I wondered what would happen next. It sat down with a thump and asked for a cup of tea and a brownie! I said to the kid next to me, "What sort of dragon does that?" Then it burped fire. Someone came running with its cup of tea and brownie. Then the dragon said "Find some dangly earrings for me and be honest if you don't have any and after the earrings we can play Hide and go seek" "Yay! Hide and go seek!" The kids screamed with joy. "Ok One, two, three, four, five, six, ready or not, here I come! Oh a lady bug, pretty! Hey, found you!"

The day the dragon came to Botany Downs by J.R

There once was a baby dragon and his name was Puffy. He was a very small dragon. He lost his mum when he was 5 months old. Some kids found him and took him to school. The school was called BOTANY DOWNS.It was a primary school. Everyone was wondering why the dragon was at school. The kids said they had found him and that they didn't know what to do about it. Puffy became a school pet in the Garden of Eden. Everybody wanted to see Puffy, but they weren't allowed in the Garden of Eden because it hadn't opened at the time. When puffy saw people he breathed out fire. Puffy was red with black and green stripes all over his body. His fire was red and orange. His teeth were white and his legs were green, red, black, white and orange. Then Garden of Eden was opened. The kids were so excited about it opening. They were so excited to see Puffy again even though it had only been 3 hours since they had found him. At last the kids got to see Puffy that nice afternoon.

A scene description

In the pitch black, dark and scary forest there was an old bat infested cave and a squishy, slimy, gooey, muddy river that was full of piranhas with razor sharp teeth. There was an old waterfall that had dried up. Every ledge had a nest of wild life and there was an ear piercing scream of a racoon with a cracked tooth, crying for help.

The Haunted House E.M

On a very dark night some kids were walking down the road and saw a very dark and scary house, so they went to the door and knocked. A giant, black, jaw-breaking door opened and sucked the kids inside. Once they walked in they heard a king's and a queen's voice saying "This is the house of EVIL!" Then suddenly they were walking upstairs and heard a girl screaming "HELP!!!" As they opened the door they felt something on their backs.It was a ghost. Once the king heard the kids screaming he took them and chopped their heads, arms, legs and feet off. And that was the end of that!

The World of Pizza - a scene description

I entered Pizza Hut, I smelled the smell of the toppings like chicken, apricot chicken, pepperoni and meat lovers. I tried peeping through a gap to see how they were making the pizzas, but I couldn't see. My mouth began to water,it wouldn't stop!! I could smell all my favourite toppings, but sadly they weren't for me - they were for other people. I wanted all the pizza in the whole world.