Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Inter-school Athletics

On Wednesday we participated in the Inter-school Athletics.
Here are some photos.

Thursday 14 November 2013

A Moment in Time by EB

My heart was thudding. Butterflies were twirling and fluttering around in my stomach.
‘I have never tried a rope swing before. What would it be like?’ I thought to myself. I was at Eastern Beach and I was about to go on a rope swing that I knew nothing about. Would I fall? Would I slam into the tree trunks behind me? I didn’t know. The only way to find out was to have a go. My heart was in my throat as I pulled the swing up to the starting point. I gripped on the rope hard and hauled myself on and as soon as my left foot left the ground, I was off. This was even better than I expected! I was soaring through the air like a bird. It was so cool! My first rope swing – a dream!
E is 10 years old

A Memorable Day

A Memorable Day

In the holidays dad, mum and I went to Waitomo Caves to see the glow worms and cave. Once in the cave you could see the carvings in the lime stone formed millions of years ago. Over time water has been gushing through the cave, making huge tunnels, gaps and more. Even now water drips down and if it lands on you it’s a sign of good luck. After seeing the amazing cave all of the group and dad, mum and I went to a platform to see the glow worms. It was fascinating seeing the hundreds of glow worms. Next the tour guide took us on a boat ride through the rest of the glow worms. We were floating in the river, drafting down and looking at the cave structure with hundreds of little lights.

M is 10 years old.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Athletics Sports

Yesterday it was athletics day. I had to do long jump, high jump, sprints and ball throw. This year I did really badly at sprints because I tripped over in the 100 meter sprints. For high jump and ball throw I didn't make it into the top 10. For long jump I came 6th with 3.6m. I thought the fun activities were really fun, especially doing the wheel barrow.
by JC

Athletics Day 2013


I step up to the line. My heart is on fire. Other people were throwing really far, and I was thinking, 'I'm not going to pass them.' It was my turn. I stepped back and threw the ball as far as I possibly could.  "YEAH" I did it! I was in the lead and going through to the finals!


The third person was about to throw. "YES" I said quietly as the ball rolled past me. Second place was throwing. I had goose bumps! I was freaking out!!  " I'VE WON, I'VE WON" I cheered. I still needed to throw. I threw and it was all over.
by BO