Funny Talking Animals!!!!

Friday 23 August 2013

Riddles.... challenge!!

1. I know a three letter word. Add two more letters to it and the fewer it becomes. What is the word?

2. Which English word has three consecutive double letters?

3. A top brain surgeon has a brother who won a lottery. However, the man who won the lottery, did not have a brother. How can this be?

Prize for the first person to get these answers to Mrs B!

Kopu-Wai, the Dog Head Man

Room 15 has read a variety of Maori myths and legends. We have decided to make costumes for the characters of Kopu-Wai, the Dog Head Man for our Wearable Arts evening.  However, we have decided that we would like to write a Taniwha into the story, to make it more interesting! So the characters in the story are: Kopy-Wai (the Dog Head Man), Kaia-Mio (the beautiful girl who gets kidnapped by Kopu-Wai), five vicious two-headed dogs (who live with kopu-Wai), a group of villagers, and a Taniwha.
We are looking forward to start making our wearable art items. We have lots of interesting ideas for showing through art what the characters are like.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Book Week Dress Up

Room 15 went all out!


Who loves speeches????

Some of the amazing topics that will be covered in our class, are:
We should have more mufti days!
Animal Abuse Global Warming The Titanic
The Solar System
Plants need love Ocean pollution
Older sisters - the good, the bad and the ugly!

Our School Speech Finals are on Thursday the 22nd at 1.45pm. Parents are welcome to attend.

Remember to practise speaking clearly, think about your stance (how you stand and present), not speaking too fast, have lots f expression, and make your point clear.

Good luck everyone!

Sunday 11 August 2013

Good Bye Mr J!

After 30 years as caretaker at Botany Downs, Mr J is retiring. Thanks for all you've done for the children of Botany Downs over the years! We hope that you will enjoy your retirement. From rm 15